Tamkivi Foundation of Natural Sciences is glad to welcome our new Fellows. This year, we increased both the number of applicants to 19 (+12%) and, thanks to the kind donors and early financial income on our endowment, were also able to grant 3 scholarships (+50%).

Handing out this year’s scholarships in Tallinn, December 13th, 2015.
The three new distinguished Fellows chosen among the high quality of candidates submitted are:
- Kristjan Põder, PhD candidate in plasma phsyics at Imperial College London who designs and builds equipment to enable observing ultrafast processes in ionized gases aka plasma.
- Tuule Mall Kull is pursuing her Masters degree in simulation sciences at RWTH Aachen University and creates self-learning algorithms for heating systems control with an aim to increase the wide spread use of regenerative energy.
- Holger Saar from the Material Sciences Masters program of Tartu University has already seen his superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles become the basis of a multi-use “smart” washing detergent of a tech startup ReLaDe and is headed to continue his nanotechnology studies in the US next year as a Fullbright Scholar.
Each Fellow receives a 500 EUR scholarship.
Tamkivi Fondation is extremely thankful for all of our supporters. With over 40 contributors to date, our endowment has grown to 33,000 EUR. If you believe our mission to help young Estonian real science talents strive is worthwhile, please consider chipping in too – see the donation instructions here.
Thanks again to everyone who applied for the scholarships this year, and once again, congrats to Kristjan, Tuule Mall and Holger. We hope to share more about their super interesting studies soon.
Meanwhile, please enjoy the interviews with our first two Fellows here.